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Christopher Burford

Energy Awareness Workshop Level 1:


Learn about you and your energy body; that you are more than just a physical body. Matter is energy and we are energy. Our energy body surrounds us and binds us. The energy body is as much a part of us as our arms and legs.


This energy is you and you can control it, just as you control your arm. The workshop proves that this energy field exists and begins you on a journey to discover how to utilize it with intent. The same as we would reach for a glass of water and pick it up to drink it, you can use, shift and control your energy body. How we hold our energy is as important as drinking that glass of water.


The workshop is a place where you experience this energy. Through interaction with others in the workshop you will learn to perceive these energy fields; learn to ‘feel’ your own and others energy body. This interaction with others is important to prove you can control it and how important this control is in your everyday life, for your health and those around you.

Energy Awareness Workshop Level 1 (cont'd):


The workshop is of benefit to everyone.  It can help you at work and at home.  Interactions will be better understood and your perception of the world will become clearer.


For a health practitioner, this workshop focuses on how to allow the patient or client to release while honouring you and them in the process.  You will learn how not to take on the issues of the client.  How to allow them to release clearly.


Also you will be introduced to the Primary Mother Earth Energy Crystal that you can use for your own health and benefit as well as for others.

All this is applicable to everyone.


Contact Christopher to set up a workshop.

Note: Energy Awareness Level 1 is a prerequisite for Level 2 Self Defense.

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